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Bentley Azure

V8 6.75L Turbocharged

68.500 € TTC

The Bentley Azure is easily one of the most unique automobiles that’s ever been produced, not to
mention one of the most luxurious. It has a very distinct appearance, so once you find out what
it looks like, you know immediately upon spotting one that you’re looking at something special. At first
glance, it looks like a high-end automobile, like something you would expect to see a top official
riding around in, or maybe even a celebrity with particularly good taste. At the same time, some
people think that it looks something like a limousine, only shorter. It’s also a convertible and this gives
it a distinct appearance that sets it apart from any other car of its type. Of course, anything that’s made
by Bentley is going to be in a class all by itself, as you have probably already come to expect. That is certainly
the case here, even for the earliest versions of the car.
1995-2003 Bentley Azure
The car first debuted for the 1995 model year and while there were certain changes that were made
between then and 2003, the car remained largely unchanged. This particular group is often referred to as the
first generation of the Bentley Azure. As is the case with most specialty cars, this one debuted at a
major auto show, in this particular case, Geneva. The first thing that struck many people was
how big the car was. This is largely because Bentley wanted to create a convertible that could comfortably
seat four people. Therefore, you’re dealing with a full-size luxury sedan that just happens to have a
convertible top. This makes the car much longer and heavier than virtually any other convertible that’s
out there. It’s also rather uncommon to see a convertible top on a car that isn’t a sports car, but in this
particular case, it works.
Despite the car’s rather massive size, it was definitely capable of performing. That’s largely
because the engine was almost as big as the car itself, existing in the form of a 6.75 liter V8. When
it was all said and done, the engine was capable of producing 360 horsepower and propelling the car from
0 to 60 miles per hour in about 6.5 seconds. While that’s not nearly as fast as some of the sports
cars that can get to the same speed in less than half that time, it’s still fairly impressive
considering that this is not a sports car, especially when you consider the fact that it’s easily one
of the largest and heaviest full-size sedans of its type.
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For further informations , please contact us +32 (0)2 681 81 00 &

Hengstenberg, 111
3090 Overijse

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Voir plus
  • Marque: Bentley
  • Modèle: Azure
  • Mise en Circu.: 12/1996
  • Puissance DIN : 390ch
  • Type d'annonce: Occasion
  • Référence:
  • Boite de Vitesse: Automatique
  • Kilométrage: 63.797 km
  • CritAir: Vignette CritAir
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