vous propose HISTORIC COMPETITION SERVICES - 2160 Wommelgem

Lagonda LG45

4,5 Liter Rapide

Prix sur demande

Position Volant : Droite
Nb. Vitesses : 4

The history of this particular 1936 Lagonda Rapide is present from the year 1949.Many improvements and thorough restorations were made to this Lagonda LG45 over the years, giving you a reliable and very sporty car for both touring and sporting rallies.The Dossier that comes with this Lagonda is particularly complete, including workshop manuals and other interesting books and reports.There is also a complete file documenting the restoration and construction of the body with photos and invoices.
Smooth Driver:
Because the body is a Rapide model, it is a very streamlined car with very elegant lines.The power coming from the 6-cylinder 4500cc engine is more than enough to handle long-distance rallies or long journeys on both small scenic roads and motorways without any difficulty.A great fun factor and a treat for the eyes.That, in a nutshell, is what you can expect from this car.
In the complete file present with this Lagonda LG45, you can find that the car was completely dismantled in 1984 and that the restoration of the car then took 4 years.No expense was spared to achieve a perfect result and to make the car reliable and safe for modern traffic.Everything is well documented and can be viewed in the file.We also have all previous registrations of previous owners going back to 1949.
The interior is very nice and the green leather matches the green color of the body perfectly.

All switches and dashboard instruments work perfectly.

The car is equipped with special tonneau covers that can be divided into compartments.

Voir plus
  • Marque: Lagonda
  • Modèle: LG45
  • Mise en Circu.: 1936
  • Puissance DIN : 150ch
  • Type d'annonce: Occasion
  • Référence:
  • Couleur Intérieure: Vert
  • Boite de Vitesse: Mecanique
  • Nb. Portes.: 2
  • Kilométrage: 88.734 km
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