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Mercedes 300


45.000 € TTC


Manual gearbox

Optional rear seating

Blue Black Metallic

The Mercedes-Benz 300 SL (R107), produced between 1985 and 1989, is a fine example of classic automotive design and engineering. Powered by a robust 6-cylinder in-line engine delivering 188 bhp and 255 Nm of torque, the car was a powerful yet elegant 2-seater grand tourer. Launched in 1971 with a price tag of around €6000, the model quickly established itself as a luxury car and held a unique position as the only convertible in the Mercedes range during its 18 years of production. In 1985 the 300SL (BM107.041) debuted with an improved (M103) engine. The car also underwent a stylish facelift, with a new front spoiler and aluminium-rimmed wheels adding to its timeless appeal.

Our 1986 Mercedes-Benz R107 300SL was delivered new from Regensburg, Germany and is the purest 107 you can get. Its fantastic Blue Black Metallic (199) paintwork harmonises beautifully with the blue and black checkered cloth interior, which remains in superb condition. The immaculate paintwork, straight panels and gleaming chrome of this classic car are a clear indication of the care it has received over the years.
A unique detail of this particular R107 is the rare rear seating option (565). Under the hood is the reliable and long-lasting 3-litre straight-six engine that runs like a dream, mated to a 5-speed manual gearbox. As the majority of these cars were sold with an automatic gearbox, finding a manual R107 today is not easy. You can go for a sporty spin, take the family to the seaside or take a road trip across Europe. This car can do it all. The steering feels light and precise and the seats are so comfortable that you won't easily want to give up your seat anymore. It was made for driving and is so practical that you can drive it every day. These indestructible Euro-spec R107 SL’s are highly sought after for their handling, craftsmanship and practicality. Behind the wheel of this 35-year-old car, you'd never guess its age. Comfortable and easy to drive. Its true charm lies in its seamless blend of classic style with just enough modern features to make it a delightful and usable classic car.

If you're looking for a quality German roadster that you can enjoy every day of the year,
Come discover it now at Rock 'n Roll Classics!

Voir plus
  • Marque: Mercedes
  • Modèle: 300
  • Mise en Circu.: 01/1986
  • Puissance DIN : 185ch
  • Type d'annonce: Occasion
  • Référence: ELOT_1291087_c9cf06b1-3a3c-4ff0-ad81-7c1fca8b0b4c
  • Boite de Vitesse: Mecanique
  • Nb. Portes.: 2
  • Kilométrage: 149.391 km
  • CritAir: Vignette CritAir
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