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Volkswagen T1

Campmobile 'Deluxe' | 1 OF ONLY 200 UNRESTORED

79.900 € TTC


1 of only 200 made

100% original condition, never restored !

Overcomplete 'DeLuxe' camping version

This rare 1963 Volkswagen of America T1 Campmobile is a true time capsule, cherished in its beautifully patinated and extremely original condition, ready to explore a new world.

The Volkswagen Campmobile was the only conversion offered in the U.S. and fully approved by Volkswagen of America (VWOA). A total of only 200 were produced throughout the 1960s. Even within these models are varying degrees; for example, this Volkswagen is a "De Luxe" version, one of the most luxurious models ever sold. Consequently, the attention to detail that was paid to this version is incredible.

Finding a Volkswagen T1 in this fantastic original and unrestored condition is a rare find to say the least. To find one of only 200 original Campmobile's in extremely nice original condition, complete with beautiful wood trim, original paint, folding windows, curtains and a self-supporting canopy, all in perfect working condition, is simply fantastic. Furthermore, the bodywork is also in remarkably good condition with no trace of rust, dead straight panels and beautiful original chrome work. Not only externally but also technically the car is excellent. Driving feels smooth and steering is light, the engine runs extremely smooth and shifting is very gentle. As soon as you take your seat behind the wheel, the world seems to slow down for a moment, the Campmobile radiates an inner peace that we do not often find these days.

Such camping equipment in a Volkswagen T1 cries out for an efficient layout and should there not be an original infobrochure with the car this seemed hard to believe. For example, our van was newly equipped in 1963 with a refrigerator, portable gas fire, chemical toilet, 55-liter water tank, fold-away side table, magazine rack, faucet, living room lights and so much more ... All the attributes are still there and look as if they were never used. The cozy four-seater table in the back can be turned into a double bed in no time. The cushions used for this are original from 1963 and are still in fantastic condition.

Since her birth in 1963, this beauty has told the story of family outings and fond memories. With only 56,175 original miles on the odometer, she has more than gracefully stood the test of time since her humble beginnings. This Campmobile is ready for road trips towards the horizon and to create many more great memories.

Come discover our rare Campmobile now at Rock 'N Roll Classics!

Voir plus
  • Marque: Volkswagen
  • Modèle: T1
  • Mise en Circu.: 04/1963
  • Puissance DIN : 52ch
  • Type d'annonce: Occasion
  • Référence: ELOT_1291087_c37e64f4-a047-4596-9893-9bf8c0b3beaf
  • Boite de Vitesse: Mecanique
  • Nb. Portes.: 5
  • Kilométrage: 89.600 km
  • CritAir: Vignette CritAir
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