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Jaguar XK150

XK 150 3.8 S DHC

158.000 € TTC

Position Volant : Gauche
Nb. Vitesses : 5

The Jaguar XK 150 Boasting the top of the range Jaguar 3.8 Litre engine mated to an up-rated 5 speed gearbox and Disc brakes all round,

This must be the top of the tree when it comes to sports touring in a classic car!

Absolutely in immaculate condition with a very powerful but easy to drive engine, maintained with cost no object and driven very little, making this a rare opportunity to own one of the best on the market today.

The Jaguar XK 150 that we present here seems like an ordinary classic Jaguar that has the perfect combination of British racing green with a beautiful beige leather interior.

However, it is a fully restored and upgraded XK150 with many adjustments to provide the car with better power, driving behavior and braking power.

What exactly has been done to this car to make it better and special?

The 3.8 engine was completely overhauled and during this overhaul the standard crankshafts were replaced by the crankshafts of a C-type as well as the complete carburetion.

This makes a huge difference in power and speed for this XK150.

The suspension has been adjusted to create a better and sportier driving experience.

The steering system was equipped with a servo and was completely renewed.

The braking system was adapted with Jaguar E type disc brakes.

The gearbox has been adjusted and is now a 5-speed gearbox that shifts very smoothly and makes the car more economical and quieter on long distances and on highways.

In short, it is a completely different driving experience than a standard Jaguar XK 150.


• Matching Engine and Chassis Number:

• Engine: 3.8 Litre with uprated carburettors and Cams

• Registered in Germany

•Serviced fully by HCS in Belgium

Voir plus
  • Marque: Jaguar
  • Modèle: XK150
  • Mise en Circu.: 1960
  • Puissance DIN : 285ch
  • Type d'annonce: Occasion
  • Référence: SCRP_1297431_380630
  • Couleur Intérieure: Beige
  • Boite de Vitesse: Mecanique
  • Nb. Portes.: 2
  • Kilométrage: 55 km
  • CritAir: Vignette CritAir
  • ABS
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