vous propose HISTORIC COMPETITION SERVICES - 2160 Wommelgem

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Nash Airflyte


117.000 € TTC

Position Volant : Gauche
Nb. Vitesses : 4
Condition : Restauré

Chassis Number: 5187 Model 4871
Engine Number: RE84903
Registered in France

FIVA certificate

1948 Nash Ambassador Convertible: 60 Series, Body Style No. 4871, 1,000 built. Only the 1948 Ambassador was offered as a convertible, the last full-sized convertibles Nash ever built, the unibody compact Nash Ramblers were the next. (The Standard Catalog of American Cars: 1946-1975,)

1948 Nash Ambassador Convertible (not chopped): chassis 5187 model #4871 Chassis: RE84903
(250,000.00 in restoration receipts) FIVA certification

Styling and design also distinguished the '48 Nash, particularly the top of the line Ambassador Custom. Built on a 121 inch wheelbase, they were roomy automobiles tasteful, modern design details like the full width horizontal bar grille, rectangular parking lights in the front fender catwalks, doors that dropped to the bottom of the body sills, rear fender chrome gravel shields, thin chrome bumpers and raked vee windshield.

A spot on restoration, fresh chrome trim and paint in the factory color of Stratos Blue, with a blue and tan interior and electric convertible top. Accessories include Nash-badged fog lights and a grille guard. Under the hood, the engine has been built to drive, with a single carburettor which is perfect for modern highway driving.

This car is part of a French collection and can be bought as a group along with a Hudson.

1923 Nash Series 4 (info to come) asking $35,000.00 33,000.00 euro

1947 Nash Ambassador Suburban ? $85,000.00 79,500.00 euro

1932 Nash 998 Phaeton - $135,000.00 125,000.00 euro

1948 Nash Ambassador Convertible (not chopped): $125,000.00 117,000.00 euro

And a 1949 Hudson Commodore 6 Sedan: $65,000.00 60,750.00 euro

All of the cars except for the 1923 Nash can be found on this site. The 1923 Nash is in our shop getting a new starter motor. The owner is very eager to sell due to age, space and time. Ideally, we would like to sell all of the cars in a group. All of the above can be purchased for $380,000.00. (355,000.00 euro). We will listen to serious offers.

This car is being represented by Historic Competition Services in Antwerp, Belgium. We specialize in sourcing, selling, buying, maintaining and restoring some of the most important historic competition cars in Europe and the US. Join our newsletter list to view collector cars before they hit the open market.

Voir plus
  • Marque: Nash
  • Modèle: Airflyte
  • Mise en Circu.: 1948
  • Puissance DIN : 114ch
  • Type d'annonce: Occasion
  • Référence: SCRP_1297431_273021
  • Couleur Intérieure: Bleu
  • Boite de Vitesse: Mecanique
  • Nb. Portes.: 2
  • CritAir: Vignette CritAir
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